Printing inks on food packaging materials are used for consumer information as well as for marketing purposes. This happens thanks to flexo printing. Flexo printing is a form of printing process which utilizes a flexible relief plate.

Flexographic inks are inks transferred by the process of flexography, primarily used in the printing of packaging materials.

Set-off of nonvolatile compounds from printing inks in food packaging materials and the role of lacquers to avoid migration;

•Set-off during manufacturing and storage affects ink components migration.

•Food safety assessment requires migration studies of packaging ink components to food.

•24 migrants coming from inks were found in-migration from 2 multilayer materials.

•The number of migrants decreased dramatically when an external lacquer was added.

•Some new migrants appear by the reaction between ink and lacquer.

Inks are widely used in food packaging materials and therefore the transition from ink components to food should be studied.  Migration of different colored multilayer materials to 2 food simulants (ethanol 95% and Tenax®) was carried out, the influence of the color transfer and its influence by the presence of varnishes in the material was investigated. When migrating from multilayer material [ink / PET/aluminum/polyethylene], a total of 17 migrations of inks due to a settling phenomenon were found. The number of immigrants was significantly reduced when a varnish was added [layer / ink / PET / aluminum / polyethylene] and especially when the color was placed under a PET layer [layer / PET / ink / aluminum / polyethylene]. With the ink-varnish reaction, some new immigrants appear. For the material [ink/paper / OPP / Al / PE], some migrants decreased when a varnish was added, while other migrants found in both varnish and ink increased.


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